Friday, March 13, 2015

purification of the heart.

i jot this on my desktop from somewhere i can't remember. the fact that i wrote this at that instant, must have something important and significant to me. and indeed just try and you will feel it, biidznillah.

reading purification of the heart (hamza yusuf). purify the illness of the heart (read: qalb).

there are three type of people:

# whose heart are alive and full of light

# having a dead heart

# their hearts are sick

for sure mukminun is our aim. but there will always be trials and tribulation that can cause the heart to fall sick. and among the illnesses are doubt (syubhah) and lust (syahawat).

so how to purify the heart? have:

courtesy (haya') and humbleness (dzul)

and of course, there are more ways to this. establish prayers, zikr and read the quran. and the list goes on..

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