Friday, May 22, 2020


At this time around with COVID-19 pandemic in Ramadhan, I have come to reflect on the word عزلة. Btw, عزلة is one of my sisters’ name.

Growing up, we always thought her name means ‘cahaya kebesaran’. Still wondering how did we even get there? Hmm. Nonetheless, then I know her name عزلة means solitude. Such a beautiful name and it somehow shows in her personality.

[Brewster Rd, 2133, 040520]

Being in solitary is often regarded to being lonely. As a matter of fact, it is not. At least for me there’s a difference, a wide gap in between solitude and loneliness.

Loneliness in my opinion, has a negative connotation. It sounds very destructive and insufficient.

On the other hand, solitude carries a much positive energy. It is constructive, self-engaging and gives you space to contemplate on yourself. It is refreshing and enriching your inner self, your soul.

No wonder our beloved Rasulullah saw did عزلة before he received the revelation. The solitude brings about the greatest and most precious thing that we have up until now which is this deen, biidznillah.

Maybe I’m saying this because I’m more towards the introverted end of the extrovert-introvert spectrum but being in solitary (sometimes I call it ‘me-time’) can become a happiness. It is being alone but not lonely. I can experience it during solo travelling, when appreciating nature, do deep reading etc. And especially during this quarantine and social distancing period and especially in this blessed month of Ramadhan, tonnes of opportunity for me to عزلة. And yes, I’m now away from my family and home alone alhamdulillah ‘ala kulli hal :)

Let’s take advantage of our solitude, be grateful, make lots of du’a and strive to be better everyday. Fighting!

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