Wednesday, August 26, 2015


Di antara kepelikan dalam tarbiyah ialah, anda mampu memberi peringatan dan mengajak golongan baru dan remaja meninggalkan riya’, takabbur dan menunjuk-nunjuk. Mereka menggangap perkara itu sebagai bimbingan, tarbiyah dan taujih daripada anda. Sedangkan mereka yang telah lama dan telah tepu, jika anda memberi peringatan yang sama dia akan menggangapnya sebagai tuduhan, dia menolak nasihat dan angkuh seolah-olah Rasulullah saw tidak pernah taubat tujuh puluh kali sehari di akhir-akhir hayatnya. (Abu Ammar)


i have a broad spectrum of reading. most of the time, i read those materials that i like and those that i need to. sometimes i read whatever i want to know. some other times i just pick up a random material that catches my eyes and read. that is just one side of me.

once, i got a gentle reminder from my dear murobbi for reading an ‘unsuitable’ book for me at that particular moment. the book which i took the paragraph above from. i did not know i have to refer to her at the first place back then.
so lesson learnt.

last night, one of our syuyukh mentioned about referring to the jamaah (at least to the murobbi) in making decision for big things in life including marriage, career, settling down and what not. that is very well understood for those things are important and have great impact on our lives.

so back to the decisions that we have to make daily yet related to tarbiyah and dakwah (besides the reading thing mentioned above). we will always have to make decisions in our everyday lives but to what extent should we refer to our murobbi? one used to ask this question and what answer do we get? ijtihadi. it is us who will have to decide. whatever it is, try hard to refer to them and try hard to think of the best decision when we cannot refer to them. may Allah grants us furqan in anything that we do. ameen ameen ameen.

diary: the book above entitled fadaeh alfitan. a bit of a complex reading i must say
but it really makes me ponder of many things.

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