Saturday, June 27, 2009

i'm leaving

"all my bags are packed,
and i'm ready to go,"
not a quotion, but a string of lyrics from the song 'leaving on a jet plain' by chantal,this is how it goes..esok. yakni hari ahad, adalah hari terakhir sy akan bermalas-malasan di rumah..makan2. guling2. sengal2. hehe..but since tomorrow i'll wake up at such an ungodly hour (bagi sy la), today can be considered as the last day at home..whatever it is, it's good for me to have to enroll this sunday..kalau x, ternak lemak lagi la jawabnye..huhu..xku mau..!!
saya redha. tawakkal.
yakin. bukan setakat berharap,
akan ada yg terbaik,
dari semua yg sy dapat sekarang.
selamat tggl internet..ooo0pppssss...!!
selamat tggl rumahku syurgaku..
off to um~

Friday, June 26, 2009

kemalasan melanda..tolong..!!

penat tataw penat nape..
berat. malas. lembik.
boring?? nope..
tetiba je nk merapu dlm blog ni..
tp tataw nk tulis pe..
padahal barang2 x abis kemas lagi..
sok dah nk bertolak..
esok dah last kt,
sy mmg momentum at all to get back to study..
nape ye??xde feel pn..x mcm cik jihah yg semangat nk masuk u..
mungkin sy x bersyukur..
ehh..,, x baik tu~
just looking for a cheap way to gain a new perspective
bukan senang tau..malas ni,
pe ubatnye??
bkn malas je..risau pn ye jugak..
worried that i won't be able to study hard.
sy xnk jadi
harap2 sy x sia2kan harapan mak ngan ayah.
hmm..,, tp owg cakap,
"the worried person must lose himself in action,
lest he wither in despair"
ye ke?? ntah laa..
tp tolonglah..!!

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

..hari terakhir..

today was my last day at work,since i've to prepare the goodies2 to get back to college..n since today was a big day,i'm such an important person..!! full of myself..huahuahua..perasan tul~

hmm..quite a tiring day..but alhamdulillah..we managed to settle all the things..

credits to budak2 ni..lemme recall:
izzuddin,asri,mangai,halieda,qayyum,shoun,afifah,sufia,sham,farah, wahida,hafizah,fathin,aqilah,fatin,aini,jazli,fahmi,nadiarullah,shahira, bella,anis,salwa,amar,akid,amin,fatiah,syahirah,nadia,afikah,hafizuddin, wani..

hmm..sorry guys..can't remember all..kejap sgt kite kenal..neway,i'd also like to express my gratitude to my employers:
pn.julaina, pn.atikah, pn.hazlinda, pn.latifah, ustazah rohayu, pn.jamiah..

maap ye sy x dpt banyak membantu..but thanks for having me sangat bersyukur dan sangat berterima kasih..i'm glad it's like this..

dewa,arigato na~

Saturday, June 20, 2009

hanya jumaat yg biasa

it's been a very long week,i supposed..but things ain't get any worse. at least i hoped so,,harap-harap laa. emm..talking bout work,i'm getting used to it..bukan la susah mana pn..macam keje kt rumah gak..but, a lil more tiring laa. pape pn,sy hepi di sini...=)


yesterday was a very #&@$ important day. budak2 pasum and other matrixes,here it comes. UPU result is out,..!! hmm..insyaAllah, kita semua dpt apa yg dihajatkan..AMIN~

for those who got what they had chose,highest compliment and congrats i bid.u all deserved it..but, for the rest who don't (including me), please, tolonglah take it easy. mmg la sedih. geram. tp redha lah dgn setiap ketentuan dari-Nya..insyaAllah ada hikmah di sebalik semua ni..mcm yg org putih cakap tu..apa dia eyh??
cloud in every silver lining?? hahaha..lama sudah x buat essay bi.. adalah salah satu langkah terbesar dalam hidup..we are one step closer to reach the dream of our think of it,this IS the starting point of our tremendous long career.

alhamdulillah..walaupun bukan seperti yg sy harapkan,sy tahu sy sepatutnya bersyukur dgn apa yg sy ada's always in my mind, that Allah will give what He think is the best for us, not what we think is the best for us, neither what we ask for..lagipun(dgn nada memujuk), hidup ni kalau kita dpt semua yg kita nak,x syok la kan?? x thrill..hehe~

neway,bare in mind !! suka sy ingatkan diri sendiri dan org lain jugak, Allah tu Maha Adil..kalau kita x dapat sekarang pun, PASTI, SURE, CONRIRM rezeki kita ada di tempat, don't be a pessimis. optimis must always be the prior. mmg senang nk cakap. susah nk buat. hati pn sakit. but hey,chill~

wise quotion to share:

" in Allah won't make the mountain smaller,but will make the climbing easier. do not ask Him for a lighter load,but ask Him for a stronger back.."

~la tahzan,innallahama'ana~

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

balik kg..o0o..balik kg..

ptg td alhamdulillah sy n famili selamat smpi di umah setelah 7++ jam dari kg ayah di sitiawan,perak..hmm..dh lama rasanye x balik igt kg sy yg satu ni x berubah..masih ag x..laman umah dh pn trtanya2 gak..hmm..nmpknye umah tokwan pn da berubah..sikit,walaupn x byk..umah len pn dh de yg renovate sana-sini..bkn dh x bangga ngan kg,ciri2 kg tu dh sedikit suka brtanya pd diri ntah laa..munkin..zaman dh berubah,dunia dh la umah tok n tokwan~

td sy pn de round2 sekitar umah..saje dh lama x jln2 dlm kawasan kg..hmm..
ni la perigi tmpt tokwan selalu,maksu ckp dh xleh pki dh..dh xde air..hmm..jdi perigi buta laa nmpknye..

ni lak reban ayam tok..masa kecik2 dlu suke la masuk sini..

ni lak x sure la tmpt kt sini la tmpt simpan kayu2 api..
teringat lak dlu..kt sini la tokwan proses susu getah..smpi la jd getah yg sekeping,bru leh jual kt org..suka sy tgk tokwan gelek mesin tu~

hmm..yg ni tv lame..semalam ayh ckp tv ni guna mentol..ha?! mentol?? tv antik..kt belakang ni de byk mentol lampu..nk function kene pki mentol..nk dgr suara pn kene pki mentol taw..hmm..dlu ayh ckp x rmi pki tv..kire famili ayh bertuah la de pn syg nk buang walaupn dh xleh guna..

yg ni lak baru je siap dibina mggu lepas..hmm..dlu kt sini de pokok pokok rambutan ni la sy maen buaiyan ngan adik2 n sepupu..emm..maen pnjt pokok..bestnyer..!! yg x tahan tu smpi kene gigit ngan kerengga..adoi~ x tido mlm skang pokok tu dh xde..diganti lak ngan tmpt beratap ni..

hmm..tu la sedikit-sebanyak mende yg dh berubah..pape pn,sy bangga n hepi sbb sy masih de tmpt yg boleh dipanggil tau de sebahagian drpd teman2 yg x brkampung..xpe2..chill~
nti leh dtg kg sy ea..= )

Friday, June 5, 2009

mlm yg sepi...

mlm smlm bosan letih..masuk bilik..tgk tv..tukar2 channel..tetibe,rase menarik je..tgk la rncgn halaqah kt tv9..hmm..mlm ni diskus psal rasa trtarik pulak utk dgr halaqah ni walaupun kejap je..panel mlm ni ustaz roslan mohamed n dr. mashitah ibrahim..cite mengenai mende yg tipikal..bila da kahwin,dikatakan takdir..bila cerai pulak,disalahkan la mentaliti org sekarang..diri sndri x penah nk takdir leh pulak kahwin,die nk kahwin pulak bknnye nk salahkn mane2 pihak..mungkin topik ni terlalu berat utk org mcm sy ni hanyalah view drpd sorg insan 19 tahun..habis suda pn alih la channel lain..tetibe rasa menarik gak cite ni..kenny vs spenny kt 8tv..cite yg x membangun lgsg dr mane2 aspek ntah nape sy layan gak..minggu ni cite psal bayi elektronik..haha..kelakar pape pn,sy sgt la brsetuju ngan hal ni..bagi sesape je yg da kahwin n da ready nk ade anak,anda sgt la digalakkan utk adopt electronic baby xpe pn tataw da melalut pe ni..

sedikit perkongsian,

"mary those among uwho are single or the virtuous one among urselves,male or female; if they are in poverty,Allah will give the means out of His grace; for Allah encompasseth all, n He knoweth all things."

kenny spenny abis pn tido~

Thursday, June 4, 2009


for some people,gaining others' trust is not easy..even myself..maybe some will marvel at this concept of unbridled mind..i adamantly,keep reminding myself that trust is somehow very important if we ever want to live good..but u know,things can come when we least expect it to minute we can trust that person,but the next minute things can turn around..hmm..can't blame anyone,can i??..maybe it can't be helped..but please,once we're friends,don't ever cross the limit..i'm tired of getting inured about this whole 'like' things..friends are the most that we could achieve..gomen~

Monday, June 1, 2009


td sy baru selak paper hari ni..then my eyes suddenly caught on something that i can say 'interesting'..haha..never heard of this before..HARI SUSU SEDUNIA ?? pape pn,bagus least boleh meningkatkn kesedaran rakyat sekarang ni.."minum susu anda jadi sihat dan kuat" penah dgr je kan??..hmm..susu ni mcm yg semua org tau,byk khasiatnye..siap leh jadi bhn utk kosmetik lagi..mandi susu cam yg satu ni sy baru tau..quote from Berita Harian : "pengambilan kalsium dan makanan berkalsium tinggi boleh membantu mengurangkan risiko kanser."..hmm..xpe laa..ade orang suka minum susu..ade orang x..mungkin sebab rase yg x kan sekarang dh ade mcm2 perisa bagai..yg penting,kalau dh tau x minum susu tu,cari la alternatif lain utk cukupkn nutrisi sehari-hari kita k..= )