Tuesday, August 26, 2014



a bag of love and a flask of warmth. alhamdulillah. thank you Allah. thank you makcik and pakcik. 
felt like going to school in the old days when mak prepared us bekal :)

indeed. hamasah as-syabab wa hikmah asy-syuyukh. may Allah grant us the tsabat in this path as both of you and all of the other qudama'.

"Call upon Me, and I will answer you."
(QS Ghaafir 40:60)

life ain't easy. but Allah is always there for us.

Friday, August 22, 2014

true colours.

Everyday I try to be as true as I am to You
Cause loving You the best I can
Will always be my number one and only plan.
(so real by raef and maher zain)