Tuesday, June 19, 2012


alhamdulillah tsumma alhamdulillah tsumma alhamdulillah.

everything happens with wisdom and lessons that come with it. and we who are dearly have no strength will not be able to do anything unless He wills it.

know that even if the nation were to gather to benefit you with something, they would not benefit you with anything except that which Allah has already recorded for you, and that if they gather together to harm you with something, they would not be able to harm you with anything except that which Allah has already recorded against you. the pens have been lifted and the pages have dried.
(Hadith Arbain No. 19)

indeed. nothing can neither benefits nor harm us, except Allah has already planned it that way. and for sure, we as servant can only be obedient and optimist with Him as that are what we deserve to. nothing else.

but it is possible that you dislike a thing which is good for you, and that you love a thing which is bad for you. but Allah knoweth, and you know not.

may Allah ease us and guide us to whatever he has planned. rabbi yassir wa la tu'assir. ameen.

so verily, with every difficulty there is relief. verily, with every difficulty there is relief.

may Allah forgive all our sins and lead us from astray. may He bless us with iman and grant us the sweetness of iman. ameen. alhamdulillahi rabbil 'alamin. jazakumullah everyone for the du'a :)


  1. dh edit. aseefah. emo jap. mohon doa yang terbaik..

  2. "emo jap"..it's natural, we r human also..=)
