Sunday, December 21, 2014


rushing back from ipoh to serdang just to see you lying on the bed in the emergency room. i felt so helpless. 21/12/2013. the last day that i saw you with these two eyes. it was hard. i could barely recognize you with all the wires and you looked so thin (ummi took steroid before so she looked a bit chubby).

i wasn't there to pray for you. i wasn't there during your funeral. i really felt sorry for that. but when i went to your grave and meet your family, i felt peace. you showed us what and how peace is, biidznillah.

love this picture :)

nothing to say. just i miss you. may Allah reward you with His jannatul firdaus, ya mumtazah bintu maridi. Allahumma ameen..

Thursday, December 18, 2014

one moment a traveller.

let pictures do the talking.


alhamdulillah. it's been a week now. travellers always have travelogue. and i? i prefer to let the moments embedded in the pixels. though ayah used to say "bukan gambar kalau tak ada orang kat dalam tu". sort of like that hihii. but above all, thank you Allah for this opportunity. may this not be a useless experience. Allahumma ameen..

Tuesday, December 16, 2014


alhamdulillah wa astaghfirullah. Allah wills me to still stay alive to repent and do more good deeds.
may He forgive me and accept my deeds.

Allahuma ameen..
Ighfirli Ya Rabb!

love from ahlul nuurun 'ala nur :)

i don't really tell people when is my birth day. usually only close family and friends who know. yet, some surprised me. thanks for the remembrance, wish and prayer. jazaakumullahu kheiran katheer.

p/s: i'm more to action of service and time person, not gifts, words nor touch. but really with the thoughts, you all now are very special and dear to me <3>

Friday, November 14, 2014


A few days after I shared the tazkirah, a very dear sister contacted me telling how she wishes to be as firm as umar. I told her it’s not easy to be one. You’ll have to bear all the consequences in order to become an umar. Why? Because we don’t have the capacities to be like him. Allah has created us beautifully unique and different from each other. Even if we can be as firm as umar, other people might not be able to be as patience as the rest of the sahabah.

She finally told me about the problem. Ukhuwwah. Hmm..

Akhawat are creatures of Allah but they are not angels. Even with the title ‘akhawat’ itself, that doesn’t guarantee they are pure and free from sin. Akhawat are normal human beings that also have wrongdoings (with the hope that they know it and make amend).

I feel you dear sister. And I am pretty sure everyone else also has or will face the trials and tribulations of ukhuwwah along this journey. But one thing to be made clear, bear in mind and being reminded again and again. Why do we want to be in this path at the first place? Is it because of the sweetness of ukhuwwah? Is it? Or is it solely because of Allah?

Mujahadah. Each and every one of us has our own mujahadah. Try to keep our intentions in doing things for the sake of Allah. It’s not easy I know. But we want jannah right? Do we have other choices then?

I feel you. Being me, I honestly like my things to be in control. I like the idea of being punctual. I don’t like messy thing, I love it when things around me are clean and neat. And you know? Allah tested me with that. In fact I think He is until now. And frankly I’m still struggling to keep the right intention. I always have friends that do not like to clean things even if that’s their own. I always have friends that only mind their own businesses. The list can go longer with this. And I have to say not only friends, but even akhawat. The so called people that I look up to that gets tarbiyah and do dakwah. The one that to my logic and comprehension (previously) should have taken care of their 10 muwasofat tarbiyah. The one that should be the good ambassadors of islam. But eventually not everyone is as what I expected. Again, akhawat are still normal creatures. They have flaws. I have flaws!

Ighfirli Ya Rabb..

My naqibah used to ask us. Why do we do the things that we do? (the good things of course). Is it because we like it or because Allah likes it? Is it because of Allah or because of our interest only? It stroked me hard. I really hope that everything that I do is only to get mardhatillah and not due to my own self-satisfaction.

I love you dear ukhti. Let’s battle our ways through all these. Allah The Most Knowing and The Seer of All will value our mujahadah, insyaAllah..

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

berjiwa besar.

Assalamu'alaikum. InsyaAllah, it's my turn to give tazkirah. I posted a note on facebook. Then I thought I might as well post it here. So here it goes..

Hari ni saya nak berkongsi satu kisah. Kisah menjelang kewafatan Khalifah Ar-Rasyideen ke-2, Al-Farouq. Mungkin ada antara kita yang pernah dengar saya cerita kisah ni tapi xpe insyaAllah tak rugi apa-apa kalau pun dengar dua kali kan hehe. Punca kewafatan Umar adalah kerana dibunuh oleh Abu Lu'luah. Umar tak meninggal on the spot tapi beberapa hari lepas tu. Boleh refer Umar Series jugak untuk lebih feel dan faham :)

The story begins..

Di saat-saat akhir kehidupan Umar, beliau رضي الله عنه memanggil enam orang ahli Majlis Syura yang dianggotai oleh Zubayr Al-Awwam, Thalhah Ubaidillah, Saad Abi Waqqas, Ali Abi Talib, Abdurrahman bin Auf dan Uthman Ibn Affan رضي الله عنهم.

Dalam kesakitan Umar bertanya, “Adakah antara kalian yang bercita-cita untuk menjadi khalifah selepasku?”

Semua yang hadir terdiam takut. Umar mengulangi pertanyaan beliau lalu Zubayr memberanikan diri untuk menjawab, “Benar. Sememangnya apa yang menjauhkan dan menghalangi kami darinya, sedang engkau hai Umar telah melaksanakannya? Padahal tidaklah kami lebih rendah daripadamu di kalangan Quraisy, juga dalam hal siapa yang lebih dulu masuk Islam, dan juga dalam hal kekerabatan dengan Rasulullah صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم?”

Umar tersenyum lalu bertanya, “Bersediakah kalian aku beritahukan tentang sifat-sifat diri kalian?”
Mereka menjawab, “Ya kerana engkau jujur dan keras, dan takkan meringankan penilaian ni jika pun kami meminta maaf!”

Kata Umar sambil menghela nafas,
“Adapun engkau hai Zubayr adalah orang yang cepat terbakar amarah, sempit dada, serta penuh cita-cita. Engkau seorang mukmin di saat redha, dan sekaligus seorang kafir di saat murka. Sehari sebagai manusia dan sehari sebagai syaitan. Boleh jadi jika aku memilihmu dan menyerahkan khilafah kepadamu, nescaya engkau akan berbuat aniaya hatta hanya pada satu mud gandum. Fikirkanlah, hai Zubayr. Demi Allah, Dia takkan menyerahkan urusan ummat Muhammad ini kepadamu sedang dalam dirimu masih mempunyai sifat-sifat ini.”
Zubayr tertunduk malu.

Kemudian Umar menghadap ke arah Thalhah lalu bertanya,  “Apakah aku akan bicara tentangmu atau diam?”
“Bicaralah. Aku tahu, sesungguhnya engkau takkan bicara tentang kebaikanku sedikit pun!” jawab Thalhah.

“Demi Allah, hai Thalhah. Aku tidak mengenalmu lagi sejak hilangnya jari-jarimu di medan Uhud. Kau dirasuki bangga diri dan sombong. Telah wafat Rasulullah صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم dalam keadaan murka atas apa yang engkau katakan sehingga turunlah ayat hijab. Hai Thalhah, apakah akan aku tambah lagi ataukah aku diam?” Thalhah menangis lalu berkata,  “Diamlah! Itu cukup!”

Kemudian Umar menghadap ke arah Saad. “Adapun engkau, hai Saad, adalah tukang berburu, pemilik busur, anak panah, dan tombak. Engkau adalah sebahagian dari sekumpulan kuda perang dan pasukan. Engkau seorang panglima perang yang memiliki kuku-kuku singa. Namun kau bukan khalifah! Bahkan Bani Zuhrah pun takkan sanggup kau mengurusnya!”

Lalu Umar menghadap ke arah Ali lalu berkata,
“Dan adapun engkau, hai Ali. Demi Allah, seandainya bukan kerana unsur jenaka dalam dirimu, nescaya engkau mampu membawa mereka kepada tujuan yang terang dan kebenaran yang jelas ketika engkau memimpin mereka. Sayangnya, mereka takkan mahu dan takkan melakukannya.”

Setelahnya, Umar menghadap ke arah Abdurrahman lalu berkata,
“Dan engkau, wahai Abdurrahman. Seandainya setengah iman seluruh kaum Muslimin ditimbang dengan imanmu, maka imanmu akan lebih berat. Akan tetapi dalam dirimu terdapat kelemahan. Dan hal khilafah ini, tidak akan baik jika dipegang oleh orang yang memiliki kelemahan seperti kelemahanmu!”
Abdurrahman mengangguk-angguk dan tersenyum.

Terakhir, Umar menghadap ke arah Uthman dan memintanya menghampiri beliau . Kata Umar lembut,
“Sepertinya, hai  Uthman. Kaum Quraisy akan mempercayakan urusan khilafah ini kepadamu lantaran kecintaan mereka atasmu. Lalu engkau akan mempersamakan dan mengangkat Bani Umayyah serta Bani Muaith atas manusia dan memuliakan mereka dengan fa’i. Lalu sekelompok serigala serigala Arab akan menyerang dan membunuhmu di tempat tidurmu. Demi Allah, seandainya mereka menyerahkan khilafah kepadamu, niscaya itulah yang akan kau alami. Dan seandainya engkau menerima, niscaya itulah yang akan terjadi.”

Sekian. Kisah ni diolah sikit-sikit daripada buku Dalam Dekapan Ukhuwwah (Salim akhukum Fillah, 2010).

Alhamdulillah wa syukru lillah. Dalam mengharungi jalan yang panjang dan tak mudah ni, Allah mengurniakan saya sahabat terbaik macam kamu-kamu. Mungkin la ada yang perangai pelik-pelik sikit (ok gurau je ni), tapi kamu-kamu lah pelengkap kekurangan saya. Sahabat yang ketawa dan air mata bersama, bila salah ditegur, bila tak tahu pulak diajar. Kalau nak harap diri sendiri, introspeksi tu mungkin bias lagi-lagi saya yang dove ni sebab susah nak nampak kesalahan diri melainkan orang lain yang tolong point out. Tambahan pulak kalau jenis yang hot tempered dan sensitif. Fuhh semangat..

Apa-apa pun saya amat sangat berharap mampu jadi seperti para sahabat macam cerita kat atas. Mampu berkata benar dan mampu menerima teguran dengan baik. Bayangkanlah kalau ada antara kawan kita sebijik macam Umar dan kita berada di posisi Zubayr, Thalhah, Saad, Ali, Abdurrahman dan Uthman? Pengsan atau naik angin dah agaknya kena fire macam tu. Tapi para sahabat yang ditegur x mudah melatah. Para sahabat  رضي الله عنهم telan jugak walaupun pahit sebab tahu Umar jujur dalam menegur mereka. Umar sound mereka macam tu tak bermakna mereka ni teruk. Walhal merekalah bintang-bintang yang kita nak ikut dan contohi. Lagi-lagi enam sahabat di atas yang tergolong dalam 10 orang sahabat yang dijamin syurga buat mereka. Moga tarbiyah Allah membukakan hati kita sebesar-besarnya untuk jadi macam mereka رضي الله عنهم. Allahumma ameen..

Sungguh ukhuwwah tu bonus yang tak ternilai. Paling tinggi itsar, paling rendah berlapang dada. Jom bersama mengejar redha Allah, yuk! Uhibbukunna fillah..

Tuesday, October 28, 2014


we are just together for a few months. watching them grow makes me think of myself again. too many that i learned from them. such countless of nikmah that Allah gives. alhamdulillah wa astaghfirullah.

got this from one of them, nuurun 'ala nur :)

bonding requires time. may Allah protect us, this deen and our ukhuwwah. may He showers us with his rahmah and mardhatillah. Allahumma ameen..

Friday, October 24, 2014


apakah obsesi kita? apakah yang sepatutnya menjadi obsesi kita?

 langit ghazzah

tiada lagi yang ku dambakan
syurgaMu Tuhan

hingga sampai akhir hayatku
di dunia ini

Kau tahu betapa
ku cinta padaMu
biarkanlah amal
menjadi saksi

keampunanMu ku harapkan
Ya Rabbi Ya Allah
Ya Rabbi Ya Allah

(background lagu belaian jiwa)

diari: waktu sesak-sesak macam ni selalu terfikirkan syurga. moga Allah izinkan kita merasa kerehatan di jannatul firdaus kelak. Allahumma ameen..

Thursday, October 9, 2014

great stars.

subhanallah. blood moon phenomenon last night. the eclipse was not easily observed here but it was much clearer in some parts of the states and east asia.

and  last night we had a sharing on a common surah that maybe many of us have always read in the solah. as for me after the sharing i got a new insight on the surah, al-buruuj.

By the sky, (displaying) the Zodiacal Signs. By the promised Day (of Judgment). By one that witnesses, and the subject of the witness. Woe to the makers of the pit (of fire). Fire supplied (abundantly) with fuel. Behold! they sat over against the (fire). And they witnessed (all) that they were doing against the Believers. And they ill-treated them for no other reason than that they believed in Allah, Exalted in Power, Worthy of all Praise! Him to Whom belongs the dominion of the heavens and the earth! And Allah is Witness to all things.
(QS Al-Buruuj 85:1-9)

previously, my understanding of those people who sit and watched the believers being burnt was just merely that. i just thought they were those that maybe involved in the violent act or at least being silent and did nothing to help. they were the people who will get the punishment from Allah.

but last night from a different point of view, my naqibah asked us to imagine what if the one that is burnt in the fire pit is our iman? are we just going to wait and see? it really stroked me because that is actually very possible to us wherever and whenever we are. have we really take care of our iman?

self-check again and again.
Allah is The Most Forgiving and The Most Merciful.

diary: i miss the star gazing moments at hobart. everywhere you turn into the sky, you'll see stars like diamonds shining in the dark. subhanallah subhanallah..

Wednesday, October 8, 2014


alhamdulillah. wa astaghfirullah.

..He has chosen you, and has imposed no difficulties on you in religion..
(QS Al-Hajj 22:78)

for those who have yet to know, some muslims in australia are having a bit of a hard time these couple of weeks due to the islamophobia and racism things. but thank to Allah, we gained precious experience, tarbiyah from all these things. made us felt a bit of how hard it was for rasulullah (saw) and the sahabah (ra) in the early phase of da'wah in makkah. made us reflect of how it is for the brothers and sisters in places like egypt to be the 'abid and khalifah. reminds us of a scene in sang murabbi where they secretly went to usrah and hid their shoes and sandals. but still, we just felt a bit from all of that. indeed it was a very memorable daurah that we had. alhamdulillah..


Tuesday, September 30, 2014


people ask on what is my favourite surah in the quran. when i said at-taubah, some are amazed. they said it is such a hard surah unlike az-zumar or al-insan and the others that speaks about nikmah and everything. i simply don't have the exact answer. i just love it. and of course i also love the other ayah from the other surah. they are kalamullah. how can we not like it regardless of what we feel.

and for this coming daurah, we were asked to share our favourite ayah in the quran with our secret buddy. well  for my yet-to-know buddy (even though i know you will not probably know me now and read this), my favourite ayah in the quran is,

and be patient for the sake of your Lord [74:7]

dear fareha, be patient for the sake of Allah!
and dear secret buddy, i'm looking forward to seeing you lillahi ta'ala :)

Friday, September 19, 2014

You're there.

No matter what the world brings
And even if the birds won't sing
Better times are on their way
‘Cause I know You're there
And even if the sun won't smile,
I know it's been a while
Since I've felt any light,
But I know You're there
You're there by raef.

Thursday, September 18, 2014


The last few days, ayah gentlemanly texted me. It was unusual that ayah privately text his daughters but there he was. Asking me how was i doing, how was my financial state and what not. And today mak asked the same thing.

Parents. That is just how they are. We do not even have to say, but they know it, they feel it.

It was actually my bad. It has been a while that i did not call them. The last time was maybe last month as far as i can remember. I was preoccupied with things that i do not even aware as if i was the busiest person in the world where in fact i was not indeed.

The blame was all on me. This morning after the proteomics tutorial, my friends were asking me whether i am okay or not. I simply replied i was fine but one of them said i did not look fine at all. I was taken aback. I feel okay but did i look not okay instead? I said that maybe these couple of weeks have been tough that i could not get good rest.

Then my saudi friend asked me how was my family back then in malaysia. I was clueless. When was the last time i speak to mak and ayah? I could not exactly remember. Then she said that it is the reason behind all these. I did not call my parents and i shall call them as soon as possible.

Ighfirli Ya Rabb! Ighfirli Ya Rabb!

For me and all the readers, do good to our parents. Do good to our parents and cherish them while we still can.

Narrated by Abu Bakr:

Rasulullah saw said thrice, "Shall I not inform you of the biggest of the great sins?" We said, "Yes, O Rasulullah" He said, "To join partners in worship with Allah: to be undutiful to one's parents." The Prophet sat up after he had been reclining and added, "And I warn you against giving forged statement and a false witness; I warn you against giving a forged statement and a false witness." The Prophet kept on saying that warning till we thought that he would not stop.

(Sahih Bukhari ,Volume 8, Book 73, Number 7)

This reminds me of rasya. Dear little mujahidah rasya rayyan, even though your mama is not there for you anymore, you will always have us. InsyaAllah, insyaAllah.

Allah is The Most forgiving and The Most Merciful.

Wednesday, September 17, 2014


teringat perbualan telefon dengan seorang ukhti yang jauh di bumi turki beberapa bulan yang lalu:

quoted from jom edisi 10,
penyembuh penyakit hati adalah ilmu dan amal.

wahai! memang tak mudah menjaga hati. tapi ketahuilah mujahadah itu besar nilainya!

dan kerana mujahadah tu tak sama untuk semua orang, janganlah sesekali memandang rendah usaha seseorang itu. lain orang lain mujahadahnya. hanya Allah Yang Maha Tahu lagi Maha Bijaksana yang mampu menilai setiap sesuatu.

dan lagi sekali, menjaga hati. menjaga hati.

Monday, September 15, 2014

witness unto mankind.

another sharing session with the sisters on the book witness unto mankind by syed abul a'la al-maududi. hits me right as i left the sharing session. and frankly, it has always been like that. it was not easy for me to have the sharing sessions as eye openers. but with the love and bless of Allah, i felt and try to live it as time goes by. so subtle indeed. and i know this is the best. alhamdulillah.

Ya Allah, please guide us and don't let us astray!
ameen ameen ameen.

diary : dr firth once said to us, she don't believe in writer's block. why? just write.
no block and as simple as that.

Monday, September 8, 2014

giving the other only when you have surplus

It is always possible to not have the same point of view even though we are in the same jamaah.
As the malay saying goes,

"Rambut sama hitam, hati lain-lain."

So there comes syura. And that also teaches us the lowest level of ukhuwwah.

The lowest level of ukhuwwah is,
Giving the other only when you have surplus.
(Imam Al-Ghazali)

People give and take. People share. People say things.
Some may ignore, some may get hurt, others just take it as it is.
And again give the other only when you have surplus.

Beauty of islam.

Dear ukhti asked me what is ukhuwwah. I simply replied,

"Ice cream. Flavourful. But beware that we might get toothache or brain freeze. Even so, it is the sweetness that we often remember.

Wednesday, September 3, 2014



dear ukhti,
i may not be in the same boat as you were.
i may not feel as exactly what you felt.
i may not help you overcome everything,
nor can't i prevent everything.

but know this,
i'm all ears,

and i know you know,
He knows what we are about to tell him in the du'a,
yet He still listens.

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

our night.

i said to them,
"in times of drained and tense, i'll remember and cherish this moment."

very much i will. thank you Allah. thank you ahlul khalesyah.


Friends on that day will be foes, one to another,- except the Righteous.
(QS Az-Zukhruf 43:67 )

may we be among those that are righteous. ameen ameen ameen.

Tuesday, August 26, 2014



a bag of love and a flask of warmth. alhamdulillah. thank you Allah. thank you makcik and pakcik. 
felt like going to school in the old days when mak prepared us bekal :)

indeed. hamasah as-syabab wa hikmah asy-syuyukh. may Allah grant us the tsabat in this path as both of you and all of the other qudama'.

"Call upon Me, and I will answer you."
(QS Ghaafir 40:60)

life ain't easy. but Allah is always there for us.

Friday, August 22, 2014

true colours.

Everyday I try to be as true as I am to You
Cause loving You the best I can
Will always be my number one and only plan.
(so real by raef and maher zain)

Monday, July 21, 2014


rally pertama. kalau di tanah air mungkin lebih terkenal dengan nama demonstrasi. 
alhamdulillah. diberi peluang berada di negara yang mengamalkan kebebasan bersuara. rally bukanlah event yang asing di bumi kanggaru ni. kerana australia bukanlah negara yang mendapat rangking pertama seperti malaysia dalam list power distance sedunia. dan tak dapat dinafikan, rally adalah antara alternatif terbaik menyatakan sesuatu.


rally palestine di state library, melbourne. memang terang lagikan bersuluh ramai yang membantah. dan paling mengesankan hati, rally kali ni dianjurkan oleh mereka saudara kita yang belum memeluk islam. subhanallah. moga mereka akan mengecap nikmat hidayah daripada Allah. one day, insyaAllah.

footnote : ignore your suffering brothers and sisters? don't be surprise if in the day of judgement,
Allah can also ignore you.


Sunday, July 13, 2014

winter yet warm.

 my first warm ever. from and to all over the land of kangaroos. this truly reminds me of katibah aisyah. how i miss kaisy so much! only Allah knows.

and with all the things that we have, how do we not thank and worship Allah? may He forgive us and accept our deeds. Allahumm ameen..

 mt wellie,hobart01072014

in this holy month of ramadhan, tarbiyah cleanses the heart. and i know life will be different after this. to Allah i pray, to Allah i submit myself. stay steadfast!

p/s :  prayers for our sisters and brothers. pray for ghazzah. pray for misr. pray for suriya. pray for us and all humankind.

Saturday, June 28, 2014

Mr. R.

..and if God does not love you, how could you have done all the things that you have done?
(kingdom of heaven)


woolies (woolworth), one of the  supermarket here. kind of like carrefour, tesco, giant etc back then in malaysia. majority non-muslim country. and they wish happy ramadhan. alhamdulillah. the time will come, insyaAllah..

and ramadhan? it's almost here! few hours left. Allahumma ballighna ramadhan!

that marks the end of this semester. off to hobart and sydney! :)

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

a better world.

hari-hari dihidangkan dengan pelbagai berita. palestine. syria. mesir. iraq. bosnia. myanmar. kemboja. afghanistan. kashmir. bangladesh. afrika. sri lanka. pakistan. brazil. malaysia. dan emm banyak lagi.

dan keamanan di zaman umar abdul aziz. moga tak hanya mimpi. suatu hari nanti, insyaAllah..

Shadows fill an empty heart
As love is fading
From all the things that we are
But are not saying
Can we see beyond the stars
And make it to the dawn

Change the colors of the sky
And open up to
The ways you made me feel alive
The ways I loved you
For all the things that never died
To make it through the night
Love will find you

what about now by daughtry.

mahukan dunia yang lebih baik? semuanya bermula dengan diri sendiri.
individu muslim.

Friday, June 13, 2014

bicara hatiku. lagi. gara-gara keserabutan menelaah subjek genetik.


Bicara hatiku by NICE

Dalam lesu
Kau masih tersenyum
Walaupun terlihat duka tangisanmu
Merindukan warna kedamaian
Menanti bahagia beraja di situ

Kan berakhir kisah derita
Tiada penghujungnya
Manakah jawapannya

Laungkan tulus kasihmu seluruh alam
Hingga bisa menggegar bumi
Moga mereka terima utusan salam
Tanda kau masih di sini

Khabarkan kepada mereka
Masih ada cinta mewangi di sini
Dan khabarkan kepada dunia
Damai yang kau cari
Akan kau miliki

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

mukmin's weapon.

And your Lord says: "Call on Me; I will answer your (Prayer): but those who are too arrogant to serve Me will surely find themselves in Hell - in humiliation!"
(QS Ghaafir 40:60)

berdoalah. berdoalah juga untuk orang lain. dan berdoalah juga untuk ummah.
kerana kita tak tahu doa siapa yang akan dikabulkan. mungkin saja kita adalah siapa kita sekarang atas berkat doa orang lain dengan seizinNya. maka berdoalah.

Tuesday, June 3, 2014


pemandangan di luar balkoni rumah hampir setiap pagi sejak sampai di sini.




tapi memang betul kata orang, langit tak selalu cerah.
minggu ni langit mula suram. gloomy. winter kata mereka memang begini.

sama seperti hidup. takkan selalu senang.
dan sekarang musim imtihan dah mula. mohon tembakan doa semua.

Apabila kamu tidak tahan lelahnya belajar, maka kamu akan tanggung peritnya kebodohan.
(Imam Shafie)

Friday, May 30, 2014


musim luruh semakin mengundurkan diri. musim sejuk mula memberi salam.


berharap dosa-dosa dapat gugur seperti gugurnya daun-daun musim luruh.

Saturday, May 24, 2014

ruh ihtimam.

wajibat al-akh keempat:

"Anda hendaklah menjauhkan tabiat mengambil minuman kopi, teh atau minuman perangsang secara berlebihan."

ouch! kopi dan aku. akan berusaha untuk kurangkan. btw bagi yang belum tahu, melbourne adalah salah satu syurga kopi dunia.
coffee shop everywhere. mujahadah!

sarana ukhti tercinta agar menulis tentang kehidupan (you know who you are ;)). sama seperti pesan ukhti muharikah, agar kekal menulis, kongsilah apa sahaja. kerana apa? kerana mungkin sahaja ada rahsianya.

tertulis dalam bab 14 titik tolak oleh abu ammar,

daie itu akan bekerja, di mana pun dia berada dan ke mana pun dia diusir. tidak rindu dan teringat kepada mana-mana tanah. tidak sempit dengan batas sempadan yang diada-adakan oleh penjajah, bersaudara dengan seluruh umat muslim. jika tidak mengembara, berkemungkinan kerana dia terpenjara. maka penjara pula menjadi pengembaraan rohani dan pemikirannya.

jujur aku rindu bumi malaysia. tempat jatuh lagikan dikenang. dan kerana ruh ihtimam itu, kita tidak terpisah, walau di benua mana pun kita berada. berbuatlah di mana sahaja pun. asalkan berbuat kerana Allah.

so, here it goes. moga Allah redha..

Thursday, May 22, 2014

tak terlihat.

menjadilah wahai diri laksana uwais. ataupun tidak julaibib. ataupun mereka yang seangkatan.

bila ada tidak disebut. bila tiada tidak dicari. ibarat semut hitam di atas batu hitam di malam yang gelap.

purity. sincerity. period.

ya muslimun, ainal ikhlas?

mode : mendidik jiwa.

Sunday, May 18, 2014


Siapakah yang lebih benar perkataannya daripada Allah?

Dan siapakah yang lebih menepati janjinya selain Allah?

retorik, bukan?

Berdoalah kepadaku, nescaya akan aku perkenankan kepadamu.

galau. kerana manusia tak sentiasa memahami, mintalah kepada Tuhan. dan Dia selalu ada.

Tuesday, May 13, 2014


kata almarhum aden,

Tuhan betapa aku malu
atas semua yang Kau beri
padahal diriku terlalu sering membuatMu kecewa

entah mungkin kerna ku terlena
sementara Engkau beri aku kesempatan
berulang kali agar aku kembali

dalam fitrahku sebagai manusia
untuk menghambakanMu
betapa tak ada apa-apanya aku dihadapanMu

aku ingin mencintaiMu setulusnya
sebenar-benar aku cinta
dalam doa
dalam ucapan
dalam setiap langkahku

aku ingin mendekatiMu selamanya
sehina apapun diriku
ku berharap untuk bertemu denganMu
Ya Rabbi


di jalan yang panjang ini aku belajar perihal kecintaan. dan memang tak mudah untuk belajar cinta.
sabar dan kuatkan kesabaran (3:200)

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

autumn pertama.

hamdalah. susunan Allah cantik lagi terbaik dan sumpah osem!

coffee talk.
salim a fillah.
ukhti diana.
rumah hangat beyt khalesyah.

...dan assignment masih menggunung :p


Maka yang mana satu di antara nikmat-nikmat Tuhanmu, yang hendak kamu dustakan?

alhamdulillah tsumma alhamdulillah. walau punya kesusahan, masih punya lebih banyak kesenangan. moga-moga tak kufur nikmat. stay steadfast fareha!

diari : hari ni ulangtahun kelahiran dia. moga bertemu sakinah di sisi Tuhan. Allahumma ameen.