Sunday, December 21, 2014


rushing back from ipoh to serdang just to see you lying on the bed in the emergency room. i felt so helpless. 21/12/2013. the last day that i saw you with these two eyes. it was hard. i could barely recognize you with all the wires and you looked so thin (ummi took steroid before so she looked a bit chubby).

i wasn't there to pray for you. i wasn't there during your funeral. i really felt sorry for that. but when i went to your grave and meet your family, i felt peace. you showed us what and how peace is, biidznillah.

love this picture :)

nothing to say. just i miss you. may Allah reward you with His jannatul firdaus, ya mumtazah bintu maridi. Allahumma ameen..


  1. Salam Alayk..

    Entah sudah berapa lama tidak buka blog sendiri..bila bukak hari ni muncul post saudari..
    dan post ni mengingatkan saya kpd ibu saya di rumah.. alhamdulillah, rasa terlalu bersyukur kerana masih Allah diberi peluang utk bersama ibu..

    Saya doakan saudari sekeluarga terus diberikan kekuatan dan ketabahan.. Moga Allah tempatkan ibu saudari dalam kalangan hambaNya yg beriman dan beroleh syurga.. moga kita mampu jadi saham akhirat yg baik buat ibu bapa kita..ameen ameen..

  2. wassalam M.Sya.R
    Allahumma ameen. insan di atas bukan ibu saya. just someone very dear to me and i called her ummi.
    terima kasih. moga Allah mengurniakan M.Sya.R segala kebaikan, insyaAllah,,
