Wednesday, February 10, 2010


today i caught someone who invisibly follow my blog. pelik. kenapa x terang-terangan je? and the further part is, recently i just got to know that there're more people following my blog without me, knowing who they are. i'm deadly hoping that you guys are x stalkers. menakutkan tahu. andai saya ade terbuat salah pada siapa2, saya minta maap. saya x tahu. unless you tell it right to my face. kamu tahu saya boleh terima teguran. jangan hendap2 ok. and if you were to have things to say to me, jangan malu2. cakap je. saya bukan kanibal ye. x makan manusia pun.


  1. yeah..pemint faa..huhu..

    tp..mmg serius tk ske org wat cmtu..

  2. erk...die follow blog secare senyap,
    tak leh ke?macam contoh saye follow blog ni, tapi xpenah drop komen. is it mean i'm a stalker?

    ke ataupun si stalker tu kutuk2 belakang lepas bace blog ni? kalau cmtu, lain cerita lah :)
