Friday, November 20, 2009


where'd we go?? which path do we choose??

alhamdulillah.. it's already the end of the first semester.. so far, life as a campus student's quite good.. well at least things are not as bad as it seemed.. insyaAllah.. quite a number of activities and programmes that i've joined.. living in campus can sometimes be great doesn't it??

starting up with minggu haluansiswa (mhs).. a bit different from pasums'.. so did the minggu interaksi kurshiah (mik).. then, get buzzed up with the perasmian festival konvokesyen um (feskum) and everything.. no doubt that it was fun.. learning new things.. i must say that PROTOCOL's included.. getting to know and mingle with different kind of people.. then, joining angkatan siswa siswi muslim sains um (asmum).. involved with the college projects.. ihram and mmk.. with the lectures, tutorials, tests and such were moving on.. plus, dearest friends that i love lillahi ta'ala.. o0h.. t0o much to say.. i hope i won't get t0o carried away with all of this in the next semester.. nevertheless, it's a norm as we're the undergraduate student..

some things can hardly be mentioned.. not bottling up things inside, but nevermind.. i'll just figure them out myself.. yet, i still got 5/6 of my study years to be completed to.. life is short.. but it seems like a very long way to go with.. so, which way do i go?? still stick to the old plan?? tawakkaltu 'alallah..

this thing just popped out in my mind.. quotion from the animation of salehuddin al-ayyubi given by kak fauhan:

"wise man says that, we do not choose our destiny. but it chooses us."

to come and think about it, it is somehow true.. qada' and qadar.. i'm relieved.. fight-oh uh !!!


  1. chaiyokk faa!!!
    stick to the old plan, otherwise ade lan yg lbh bagus..

  2. ehmmm...
    that's mean u have only 6 sem right?????
    3 years.....
    don't want to extand?????

  3. yup. i've gave it a thought. insyaAllah. i'll try to finish it right on the due. w/o neglecting my grades of course. but Allah knows what's the best for me.
