Saturday, November 21, 2009

fight-oh uh !!!

oh lately i'm stuck on east asean series. japanese the most i'd say. they're just irresistable. i wonder why?? maybe there're just nothing much to do during this exam break. plus, i'm still at college and have gone nowhere else except around the campus. nevermind. i'm really looking forward for this sunday. insyaAllah things will run smoothly.

ok. give it a break. so, what's so good about these series?? if compared to english's and malay's?? hmm.. reasons that i could easily tell u:
-some of them left impacts on me. the characters of few stories had somehow manage to improve myself to what i'm right now. *de gak la nilai murni yg blh dijadikan iktibar*
-from what i concern, some of the series are way better than 'cite melayu' and 'cite omputeh'. in other words, the sociality (is there such word??) is still in control. *cite melayu pn byk adegan x senonoh. cite omputeh lagi la xyah ckp*
-lovely culture. full of courtesy i guess. but i don't say that our culture are not polite k. *dh trbiase ngan adat korea yg satu ni mse blaja taekwondo dlu*
-i'm really into action series and comedies like conan, young kindaichi case file, gokusen, death note etc. *byk sgt lau nk list seme*
-the best part is, the actor and actress are just so so so cute. hehe. although i don't really fall into people with 'mata sepet' . no offence k. *seyes suke*
but still on top, don't get addicted with these kind of things *bahaye utk stdy* . i'm t0o adamantly trying hard not make it an obsession. *santai je k*


  1. haha. yup aku minat gak korea jepun ni so cute kan. gokusen sampai part3 aku dah habis. tapi paling minat skang show 2 days 1 night korea pye..kelakar! :D

  2. hehe. iye cik jihah. masyuuuk...!!

  3. wohaaa.. aku gila jepun ngn korea gak..


  4. oh ye. kami sedia maklum cik anneh. hehe.
